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[Sticky] DCS Community Rules

1 Posts
1 Users
Member Admin
Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 11
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ATTENTION: If your first attempt to sign up fails, do not create another account, your accounts will be locked. Use the "Contact Us" page to get help in case your email did not receive the registration letter to activate your account. Also please take time to click on the Rules link and familiarize yourself with them. We strongly support the practice of "treading lightly" and have no tolerance for those who do not.

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies delineated below. Violation can result in a warning, a temporary ban or a permanent ban per our discretion. Our rules are designed to make DCS Forums a pleasurable and informative experience for everyone involved. We have zero tolerance for rule infractions, so be forewarned.

We work hard to make DCS Forums an enjoyable place for all who visit to learn and share their experiences with others. When we have to take action to enforce these rules, it also takes away from our time. Although the administrators of DCS Forums will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of DCS Forums, nor software developer, will be held responsible for the content of any message.
DCS and its staff are not liable for any transactions occurring as a direct or indirect result of communication via the DCS forum

1. Pornography

We strive to make DCS Forum a home/work safe site, so posting threads such as mentioned can get a person in trouble or fired from their job. Not cool, end of story.

2. Attacks
Our policy is no flaming or bashing - either publicly or by private messaging.

We will not tolerate any mocking or flaming of the staff.
This includes but is not limited to:

a. Posting the contents of a "Private Message" in public view of one you have received either from an admin or moderator.
b. Arguing with mods publicly over a ruling on a member.
c. Pleading for the return of a banned member (permanent ban is FOR LIFE, get over it)
Also, posting to "egg" members on or to entice bashing will not be tolerated.
If you have a beef with a member, take it outside of DCS.

The same goes for bashing other message boards or mocking their content.
3. Inappropriate Language

Foul language - this also includes trying to get around the word censor using words to replace the "F" word (and others).

We do let a few words slip by that you will hear on Primetime TV, but some words such as the "F" word or fooling the censor with alternate like words will not be tolerated.

The reason DCS is stricter on language is that we strive to keep the forum a work/family safe environment for all to enjoy.
4. Spam

If you sign up here with the sole purpose of trying to spam our members, your account will be permanently banned.
This includes signing up here to "spam" the membership into clicking onto a website where you are "pimping" your products, or to rack up points when people click on your website.

If you are a vendor and wish to post that you have a product to sell that is conversion related and not direct competition with DCS, by all means feel free.
If you have legitimate products, then by all means you are free to advertise them in the classified section.
5. Multiple Accounts

Creating Multiple account is grounds for banishment - either while registered here already, or creating one if you were banned.
6. Warez and Pirating

The discussion of Warez software, or pirating software is strictly prohibited.
The same goes for pirating songs and videos.
Backing up your owned material is one thing - duping your buddies movies is quite another.
Threads discussing pirating in any capacity will be removed immediately and the member dealt with.
7. Embedding Pictures

In the past we use to frown upon pictures in posts bigger than 800x600 pixels.
Most people these days have moved up to newer/modern LCD monitors running at much higher resolution than in the past, se we are not really worried about big pictures anymore.
However a good maximum size would be 1200x1024 still.
If you have bigger, you can always link to the bigger one.

And remember, if you need a photo host, Photobucket is very good.
8. Searching and Creating Threads

While you will not find a nicer, more helpful bunch than the DCS membership, anyone can grow frustrated seeing new threads with the same questions over and over.
A few well spent minutes educating yourself so you ask INTELLIGENT and INFORMED questions will gather much more attention from the seasoned members in the know than a lazy attempt to have the member’s spoon feed you information.
It is ALWAYS better to add on to an existing thread (if the information is pertinent) than to start another with the same information.
This makes it easier for the next person with fewer threads to pour over to gather their information.
We reserve the right to move your inquiry to the appropriate thread.

When creating a new thread, please try to make the title of it match the contents.
When using the search feature, it will find more pertinent results if your title has the correct phrase to match its contents.
A vague title is often a waste of time too, if someone clicks on it and the thread is totally opposite of what they thought it meant.
These threads will be locked or removed at the discretion of administrators.
9. Name Change Requests

When signing up with the forum, please pick a username that you want to keep.
We get a lot of requests to change names, and it is a lot of work to make the change and update the Staff.

We do not mind doing it if, for example, you have a name that reflects your rig, then you sell it and purchase something different, as that is a legitimate case.

But if you really need it changed for some reason, let us know. It is much easier on the Staff if you pick the name you want from the beginning. The name you choose must be appropriate for the DCS community. If the staff finds the username inappropriate, you will be asked to choose another. Failure to comply will result in ban.
10. Tech Article Submissions

Title your tech article accordantly.
Please make your pictures 640x480 in pixel size.
Now get out there and start moddin' your truck and submit those how to articles.
11. Other Clubs and Organizations including Carfax

Please do not use this board to actively solicit membership for other clubs or organizations.
We do not come to your board and recruit members, please show us the same courtesy.
Recruitment equals spam and you will be banned accordingly.
Carfax Reporting Service

When agreeing to your Carfax service, part of the terms and conditions of your contract state that you will not solicit nor charge for running Carfax reports.
It is a single user license.
Due to this, any threads asking to have a Carfax report run, or any threads by a licensed user of the Carfax service willing to run reports for people (for a charge or free) will be promptly removed and the member will be dealt with.
12. Fund Raisers

DCS Forum will not be used to help raise funds for any purpose other than selling conversion or truck related parts in our classified section.
13. Political/Religious Threads/Posts

DCS strongly discourages discussions of political or religious nature due to the inability of such topics to be resolved through an online forum and the resulting arguments that often occur when dealing with such matters.

It is anticipated that our members will naturally have different and possibly strongly held opinions with regard to religious and political matters.
It is also expected that members will respect each other's right to their personal views, opinions or lifestyle.

If a member is compelled to continually express their political or religious viewpoints here, the user will receive a warning.
If these topics are persistently posted, the user will receive a temp ban and finally a permanent ban.
If a member feels that these rules are an infringement of their personal rights or liberties, that member is welcome to find any of the other countless forums available whose rules and guidelines will allow the full expression of their religious or political viewpoints.
14. Illegal Activity

Illegal subject matter is not permitted on DCS Forum.
Threads describing activity or events that promote or encourage people to break the law will not be tolerated.
Links to sites with such subject matter are also not allowed.
Some examples would include tricks as how to improve a vehicles worth by fooling potential buyers as to actual condition or mileage as well as ways to abuse or vandalize vehicles.

Since laws will vary around the globe in regards to vehicle modifications it would be impossible for DCS to set a standard that would comply with all regulations or be aware that such laws exist.
It is up to the individual viewer to verify modifications fall within what their local jurisdiction will allow.
What works in Montana might not be tolerated in California.

Search engines crawl over DCS Forum 24/7.
Threads and posts are a reflection of DCS as well as our users.
Consider the ramifications of posting such subject matter with your name attached.
15. Threads with Non Descriptive/Misleading Titles

Do not post threads with non-descriptive/misleading titles.
Off topic we do not really care about, but if it is tech related, we would like the see the tiles phrased correctly.
It helps with keeping the search feature here to run smoothly.
16. For Sale Items in DCS Market Place-AKA: the Classifieds:

For Sale Items must be in the Classifieds---**Not in the Tech Section**
Items must be directly related to Diesel Conversions.

a) Thread Title:
EX: "Want To Sell: 1999 Ford Superduty F350 $5500 Los Angeles, California"
must have: Item, Price, Location in thread title

b) All items must have description, contact info, price and location in the ad. Listings missing these items will be deleted without notice. Location in sig/profile info is not accepted.
c) No Ebay or Craigslist links. Listings will be deleted. Feel free to use the classifieds, just take time to do a complete ad.
d) No proxy posting, posting for a friend, another or vendor.
e) No Guns or illegal items in the classifieds. These listings will be deleted.
Additionally, this is not designed for members to dispute/argue an issue you have with this Vendor or their products/services. This type of communication must be handled with the Vendor directly. DCS and its Staff are not here to act as a mediator, and we will not get involved in any dispute proceedings on behalf of either party.
17. The "Spirit Of The Rules"

"The spirit of the rules"
The "spirit" of the rules is difficult to describe because it is fluid and context based, for example everyone knows the difference between a picture that is just sexy [PG-13] and one that is pornography but the legal definition changes depending on where you are making it difficult to define.
Yet most everyone has a similar "standard" for what is and is not acceptable.

There are some activities that may not violate the rules as listed but can be termed as violating the "spirit" of the rules because by their nature they make this forum and/or the off-road community in general less enjoyable.

Everyone knows what breaking the "spirit" of the law looks like, even if they can't describe it. If you partake in questionable behavior, or act like an ignorant jerk, you'll get an automatic infraction or repeat offenders banned. Because this is meant to cover the 'grey areas' a ban would be as a last resort with the agreement of a majority of the administrators.
If you have any questions, please contact one an administrator who can help you further.
By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violate of DCS Forum rules.
The owners of DCS Forums reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason without notice or explanation.
This is a privately owned and operated forum and ALL membership is up to the sole discretion of the administrators.
Personal or legal threats against DCS, or its staff will result in an immediate termination of membership.
Rarely do we remove one’s membership, but occasionally it is required to maintain DCS Forum's standards and principles.

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