Tremec 4050/NV4500/...
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Tremec 4050/NV4500/NV3550 to Land Rover transfer case.

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The DCS #2060 was designed to adapt the NV4500 (light duty 23 spline output) and NV3550 to the Land Rover LT230 transfer case. More recently the adapter has been modified to also work with the new Tremec 4050 5 speed manual transmission.  The original design was dimensioned to keep the transfer case and driveline in the original location to eliminate driveline modifications.

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The NV4500 LD and NV3550 share the same bolt pattern and a 23 spline output shaft. The 2060 includes the adapter shaft to go from the 23 spline output to the Rover 10 spline input gear on the transfer case. The  4500's have 2 different tail shaft housing seal depths. [attach]21[/at ach]  but the adapter shaft is finish ground to engage the output seal. The shaft requires use of the shallower tailshaft housing. The kit does not work with the GM NV4500. .

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We do have a customer using this package with a GM repower. Ben Gott Motorsports has built 2 Land Rover Defenders repowered with LS engines and simply used the GM bell with the LD NV4500 to the Defender LT230.  

This post was modified 5 years ago by Brian Hollingsworth

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To use the 2060 with the NV4500 does require modification to the tailshaft housing to clear the transfer case shift mechanism.  A portion of the housing must be removed and a pocket welded in. This is easier to accomplish with the later steel housing.  

This post was modified 5 years ago by Brian Hollingsworth
